October 16, 2024

    8:29 pm

    U.S. House Lawmakers Press for Major Increase in Aid to Artsakh Refugees, Total Ban on Aid to Azerbaijan

    The ANCA has launched a nationwide campaign in support of four amendments to the FY25 U.S. House foreign aid bill (H.R.8771), which would expand aid for Artsakh refugees, block aid to Azerbaijan, and support stronger US-Cyprus military ties.

    — ANCA launches nationwide campaign in support of key amendments holding Azerbaijan accountable for Artsakh Genocide

    WASHINGTON, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is calling for U.S. House passage of three amendments to the Fiscal Year 2025 foreign aid bill (H.R.8771), that would expand U.S. aid to Artsakh refugees forced from their homes during the 2023 Azerbaijan genocide and block military assistance to the Azerbaijani perpetrators of that crime.

    The ANCA is leading a nationwide grassroots effort – – to encourage Representatives to cosponsor each of the amendments, which are set to be considered by the House Rules Committee as early as next week. The full U.S. House will have the opportunity to vote on amendments that are ruled in order, either separately or as groups of “en bloc” amendments. Amendments with strong bipartisan support are the most likely to be ruled in order.

    “President Biden – having armed and abetted Azerbaijan’s genocide of Artsakh – has an opportunity this week to seek a measure of redemption for his shameful complicity in this crime, starting with vigorous public support for each of these three amendments,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “He can – at long last – stop appeasing Azerbaijan, and start working with legislators to hold this dictatorship accountable.”

    Amendment 146, introduced by Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), calls for $100 million in US funding for the Republic of Armenia under the Assistance to Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia (AEECA) account to support victims from Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh), forced to flee their ancestral homeland amid Azerbaijan’s full-scale attack in 2023.

    Amendment 51, introduced by Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV), would prohibit funds in the bill from being used to support Azerbaijani security, development, or settlement in territories captured by force, including Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh).

    Amendment 54, introduced by Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) with the support of Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), prohibits funding to Azerbaijan in Fiscal Year 2025 until the President determines, and so reports to the Congress, that the Government of Azerbaijan is taking demonstrable steps to cease all blockades and other offensive uses of force against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh). This amendment includes no waiver authority since the Administration is currently exercising waiver authority to get around Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act, which prohibits such assistance.

    The ANCA is also supporting bipartisan Amendment 48, led by Rep. Chris Pappas (D-NH), Gus Bilirakis, and Veronica Escobar (D-TX), which would streamline the review process for the sale of US defense articles to Cyprus.

    Կարող եք կարդալ

    Un nouveau gouvernement en faveur de l’Arménie et de l’Artsakh

    Mardi 24 septembre 2024 à Paris – Le week-end dernier a été annoncé la composition du nouveau gouvernement. Le Cercle d’Amitié France-Artsakh se réjouit de retrouver de nombreux amis de l’Arménie et de l’Artsakh (Haut-Karabagh) au sein de ce gouvernement auquel il adresse tous ses vœux de succès. Le Premier ministre, Michel Barnier est un fervent défenseur […]


    Ֆրանսայի նոր կառավարութիւնը՝ Հայաստանի ու Արցախի նպաստաւոր

    ՖՐԱՆՍԱ-ԱՐՑԱԽ ԲԱՐԵԿԱՄՈՒԹԵԱՆ ՇՐՋԱՆԱԿԻ ՄԱՄԼՈՅ ՀԱՂՈՐԴԱԳՐՈՒԹԻՒՆ Երեքշաբթի, Սեպտեմբեր 24, Փարիզ – Անցեալ շաբաթավերջին յայտնի դարձաւ նոր կառավարութեան կազմը։ Ֆրանսա-Արցախ բարեկամութեան շրջանակը ուրախ է այս կառավարութեան կազմին մէջ գտնելով Հայաստանի եւ Արցախի բազմաթիւ բարեկամներ, որոնց կը յայտնէ յաջողութեան իր ջերմ մաղթանքները։ Վարչապետ Միշէլ Պարնիէ Հայաստանի ու Արցախի ջերմեռանդ պաշտպանն է. ան այցելած է Հայաստան ու Արցախ 2021 Դեկտեմբերին՝ […]


    Armenian MFA: Displacement was the last stage of ethnic cleansing policy

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia issued a statement on the occasion of the anniversary of the forced displacement of Armenians from Artsakh as a result of Azerbaijan’s military attack. The statement of the Foreign Ministry says: A year ago, on September 19, as a result of the military attack by Azerbaijan, […]
