October 16, 2024

    3:13 pm

    The Armenian Legal Center publishes report about the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh

    The International and Comparative Law Center, under the auspices of the Armenian Legal Center, has published a detailed report addressing the recent ethnic cleansing in Artsakh, which is rooted in long-standing anti-Armenian discrimination in Azerbaijan. The report argues that the blockade, military offensive and subsequent forced deportation of Armenians from Artsakh are not isolated incidents but a culmination of deeply ingrained institutionalized policies against Armenians.

    The report differentiates between “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide,” noting that while genocide is defined by the intent to destroy a group wholly or partially, ethnic cleansing involves the forcible removal of a group from a particular area through violence and terror. In the case of Artsakh, the European Parliament and various experts have categorized the events as ethnic cleansing, with some extending this classification to genocide due to the severe conditions and systematic destruction involved.

    Evidence presented in the report shows that Azerbaijan’s policies, including the blockade and military actions, reflect a deliberate attempt to eradicate Armenian presence in Artsakh. The blockade, which began in December 2022, created dire conditions by restricting the flow of essential goods and services, leading to severe shortages of food, medicine and fuel. The resulting humanitarian crisis saw widespread malnutrition, health deterioration and disruptions to education and healthcare services. The report details how Azerbaijani forces targeted agricultural workers and obstructed local food production, exacerbating the suffering of the Armenian population.

    The military offensive that commenced in September 2023 further intensified the crisis. The report documents how this offensive, marked by intense combat and widespread damage to civilian infrastructure, resulted in significant civilian casualties and severe disruptions in evacuation efforts. Reports of war crimes, including torture and mutilation of Armenian civilians, underscore the brutality of the offensive and its role in the forced displacement of the Armenian population from Artsakh.

    The report also highlights the ongoing destruction of Armenian cultural and religious sites by Azerbaijani authorities, who have systematically erased Armenian heritage from the region. This destruction includes the demolition of churches, historical monuments and khachkars (carved stone memorials), as well as the alteration of sites to remove Armenian cultural traces. The report cites satellite imagery and documentation from organizations such as Caucasus Heritage Watch to illustrate the extent of this cultural erasure, which has been met with condemnation from international bodies including UNESCO and the European Parliament.

    The report underscores that this cultural destruction and the blockade’s impacts reflect a broader pattern of anti-Armenian sentiment in Azerbaijani society. It describes how Azerbaijani state rhetoric, including glorification of anti-Armenian violence and derogatory depictions of Armenians, has fostered an environment of dehumanization and discrimination. This environment has been perpetuated through state-backed initiatives such as the “Trophy Park” in Baku and widespread anti-Armenian hate speech on social media.

    Moreover, the report points out that the treatment of Armenians under Azerbaijani rule, including the detention of Artsakh’s political leaders on politically motivated charges and the ongoing glorification of anti-Armenian violence, reflects a disregard for international human rights standards. It highlights how the systematic denial of Armenian cultural identity and the destruction of heritage sites are integral to Azerbaijan’s broader strategy of eliminating Armenian presence in Artsakh.

    In conclusion, the report calls for international action to address these violations, emphasizing the need for accountability and support for the displaced Armenian population. It stresses that the destruction of Armenian cultural heritage, coupled with severe human rights abuses and the institutionalized discrimination in Azerbaijan, pose an ongoing threat to Artsakh Armenians and underscores the urgency of international intervention to prevent further atrocities and support the restoration of Armenian rights and heritage.

    Armenian Legal Center for Justice & Human Rights

    Based in Washington DC, the Armenian Legal Center for Justice & Human Rights is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nongovernmental organization with the mission to pursue justice for human rights violations emanating from the Armenian Genocide including the regional security of the Armenia and Artsakh Republics.

    Կարող եք կարդալ

    Un nouveau gouvernement en faveur de l’Arménie et de l’Artsakh

    Mardi 24 septembre 2024 à Paris – Le week-end dernier a été annoncé la composition du nouveau gouvernement. Le Cercle d’Amitié France-Artsakh se réjouit de retrouver de nombreux amis de l’Arménie et de l’Artsakh (Haut-Karabagh) au sein de ce gouvernement auquel il adresse tous ses vœux de succès. Le Premier ministre, Michel Barnier est un fervent défenseur […]


    Ֆրանսայի նոր կառավարութիւնը՝ Հայաստանի ու Արցախի նպաստաւոր

    ՖՐԱՆՍԱ-ԱՐՑԱԽ ԲԱՐԵԿԱՄՈՒԹԵԱՆ ՇՐՋԱՆԱԿԻ ՄԱՄԼՈՅ ՀԱՂՈՐԴԱԳՐՈՒԹԻՒՆ Երեքշաբթի, Սեպտեմբեր 24, Փարիզ – Անցեալ շաբաթավերջին յայտնի դարձաւ նոր կառավարութեան կազմը։ Ֆրանսա-Արցախ բարեկամութեան շրջանակը ուրախ է այս կառավարութեան կազմին մէջ գտնելով Հայաստանի եւ Արցախի բազմաթիւ բարեկամներ, որոնց կը յայտնէ յաջողութեան իր ջերմ մաղթանքները։ Վարչապետ Միշէլ Պարնիէ Հայաստանի ու Արցախի ջերմեռանդ պաշտպանն է. ան այցելած է Հայաստան ու Արցախ 2021 Դեկտեմբերին՝ […]


    Armenian MFA: Displacement was the last stage of ethnic cleansing policy

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia issued a statement on the occasion of the anniversary of the forced displacement of Armenians from Artsakh as a result of Azerbaijan’s military attack. The statement of the Foreign Ministry says: A year ago, on September 19, as a result of the military attack by Azerbaijan, […]
