October 16, 2024

    4:11 pm

    Statement of the Hai Tad Central Council on the first anniversary of the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh

    September 19 marks the anniversary of the genocide committed by Azerbaijan against the Armenians of Artsakh. From September 2020 to September 2023, Azerbaijan’s blockade of Artsakh, then siege, then terrorist attacks and ethnic cleansing is completely a genocidal process.

    Azerbaijan, both in the early 1990s and in September 2020 and afterward, carried out military operations against Artsakh, which are aggression by nature. Therefore, these actions lack legitimacy. During those military operations, crimes against humanity were committed, in which case, like genocide, the impending punishment does not have any statute of limitations.

    Moreover, any document obtained by the use of force or the threat of use of force against the Republic of Armenia is worthless and cannot cast doubt on the fact of the existence of the Artsakh issue. The cause of the Karabakh problem was the anti-Armenian policies of Azerbaijan for decades. The violent response of Azerbaijan against the people fighting for self-determination and freedom deepened the consequences of the conflict. The desire for the reunification of the Armenian people is normal and legal, under the norms of international law. Any document signed by any state or states, including the Republic of Armenia, cannot invalidate that struggle.

    Ensuring the realization of the right of collective return of the Armenians of Artsakh under international guarantees, providing Artsakh with an interim status, ensuring uninterrupted land communication with the Republic of Armenia, releasing Armenian prisoners held in Baku, including the military and political leadership of Artsakh, applying sanctions against Azerbaijan and bringing criminals to justice, the preservation of Artsakh’s cultural heritage are the preconditions that should guide the political settlement of the conflict.

    For the current milestone of the Karabakh conflict, the Hai Tad Central Council emphasizes the importance of keeping the issue on the international political agenda, both in the case of international organizations and individual states.

    Current developments show that the Karabakh conflict is not only unresolved but is also on the international political agenda. We are sure that after the current upheaval of international relations, which is temporary, wider opportunities will open up to continue the struggle and carry out work towards the settlement of the Artsakh problem.

    On the occasion of the first anniversary of the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, we call on all Armenians not to stop the struggle, to give new momentum to the struggle, and to be consistent, determined, and resolute in this struggle.

    ARF Bureau Hai Tad Central Council

    (Armenian National Committee – International)

    19 / 09 / 2024

    Կարող եք կարդալ

    Un nouveau gouvernement en faveur de l’Arménie et de l’Artsakh

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